The creedal assertion of belief in one God is not a mere religious opinion that he simply exists, but an [...]
The Great Custody
To believe in "God the Father Almighty" is not to assert that his will always prevails or prevents evil. God [...]
To commemorate and celebrate the Advent of Jesus Christ, acoustic pop-folk singer and songwriter Erin Oakley performs her original, heartfelt [...]
Patrick Henry Reardon, retired pastor of All Saints Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church in Chicago, discusses the relevance of the fourth-century [...]
The essential tenets of the Christian faith are summarized in the fourth-century Nicene Creed. It explains what Christians have believed [...]
A diversity of Christians participated in a beautifully-crafted, creative recitation of the Nicene Creed, the standard summary of the Christian [...]
The English word “creed” comes directly from the Latin “credo,” which means “I believe.” A creed is in fact any […]